Author: kate

  • What’s Up With Women’s Bodies?

    Yesterday, I was listening to midwife extraordinaire Ina May Gaskin on the Diane Rehm Show. One of the things that struck me is that American medicine’s childbirth orthodoxy essential boils down to: ‘Women’s* bodies, what the fuck is wrong with them?’ I first heard about Gaskin when my partner and I were studying for the…

  • Friday

    I’m terrified that if I go a day without a post, this whole blog will disappear or something. In that spirit, here’s a picture of my cat that succinctly sums up my feelings about the weather:

  • Ball Sweat is a Feminist Issue

    [Trigger warning for street harassment] I just wanted to let y’all in on an exotic part of the trans* experience. Let’s say the heat index i..OH MY FUCKING GOD. If you’re a cis dude, there’s a good chance you don’t need to worry about accidentally flashing your chest. For that matter, in a lot of…

  • Working the System

    Last month, a Calgary radio station announced a contest where women could compete for free breast implants by submitting a photo and a personal statement. Predictably, reviews were, um, mixed. Last week, Amp Radio selected ten finalists, from which online voters chose a winner. The votes are in. Avery, a Calgary trans woman, won the…

  • So Today’s Our Anniversary

    Five years ago today, my wife and I got married in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol (long story). According to tradition, this means we’re supposed to give each other wood. I’ll be sure to let y’all know how that works out. Our relationship is pretty bad-assed. We’ve known each other for eleven years.…

  • Boost: Birth Control Matters Blogaround

    From Planned Parenthood: On July 21, 2011, we’re teaming up with the National Women’s Law Center to host a Birth Control Matters blog carnival to discuss birth control accessibility. Bloggers across the web are invited to weigh in on this important issue. This summer, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) will issue its recommendation on women’s…

  • Week 1: Movie!

    While I was shooting this, I told my three-year-old daughter (who had been making monster videos with me) that I needed to make a video so that people knew I needed money to see the doctor. “The doctor doesn’t need money!” “Yes, doctors cost money!” “No! Silly Mommy!” True story. Transcript below:

  • Today in Awesome

    Despite the facts that: (1) I grew up in the Twin Cities, (2) I attended the University of Minnesota for a few years, and (3) most of my relatives are on at least one U of M junk mail list, I know precious little about the University of Minnesota’s program in Human Sexuality. As a…

  • The Cunt Post

    “Vagina” is such a sanitized, clinical term. I’m not a fan of Lysol. To hell with that, I want a cunt. “Vagina” refers to the birth canal. I’m from Syracuse, so I know a thing or two about canals. Thousands of people die during their construction, and it’s not long before nobody wants to use…

  • Cisgender News

    I’m not a big fan of Tumblr. I use WordPress, therefore everything invented after 2003 is non-existent. However, this is pretty much the greatst thing evr.