So Today’s Our Anniversary

Five years ago today, my wife and I got married in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol (long story). According to tradition, this means we’re supposed to give each other wood. I’ll be sure to let y’all know how that works out.

Our relationship is pretty bad-assed. We’ve known each other for eleven years. We’ve been dating for a decade. Somewhere in there, we both came out.

Last June, I had the brilliant idea of writing a series of essays explaining the whole thing in celebration of our fourth anniversary. So be on the lookout for that. Eventually.

Why the fuck, you ask, should anyone care about any of this?

First off, we’re badasses.

But second, and probably more importantly, is that our story disrupts pernicious narratives about people who are trans*, and/or intersex, and/or disabled, and/or fat, and/or whatever. From what I’ve seen from popular culture, to the extent that people like us exist, we’re alone and unhappy. Sure, like all people, some of us are alone and unhappy. However, some of us are alone and happy. And then there are some of us love and are loved by amazing people.

Sometimes people are in love with each other for many years, irrespective of society’s tired memes. It can be fucking awesome and even vice versa. So now you know.


7 responses to “So Today’s Our Anniversary”

  1.  Avatar

    Happy Anniversary! I hope it is awesome and not too ridiculously hot. (Unless that’s your thing.)

  2. Mousetail Avatar

    Happy Anniversary! Cultural memes can and should be kicked in the ass – if for nothing else, for causing insecurities and scaring people out of otherwise could-be-happy, healthy relationships. So says a woman married to 20 years my senior, trophy 3rd wife 🙂 – I’ve heard my share of crap too over our 7 years together…

  3.  Avatar

    Happy anniversary! I hope you both have a wonderful day.

  4. Gabrielle Avatar

    Happy Anniversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary to two very dear friends. *hugs*

  6.  Avatar

    Happy Anniversary!

    Screw the stereotypes – my wife and I have got trans and intersex and disabled and fat covered between the two of us. We’ve been together fifteen years, and we’re still delighted by each other.

  7.  Avatar

    Happy belated anniversary, Kate. My 7th anniversary with my beloved is coming up next month, and our time together has also been filled with badassery. Let’s keep it rolling!

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