Meet the Clit

After a few days in the Adirondacks, rummaging through robber barons’ bookshelves, I’m somewhat refreshed. Here’s some things I’ve been reading to get the bad taste out of my mouth:

-Monica Roberts has a post up about silicone pumping amongst trans* women of color. It’s partly in response to this recent story from The New York Times.

-Matt Kailey tells the story of his first visit to a support group for trans* people.

-Do you like the good folks at Smith-Corona? Do you want tips on how to navigate doctors’ offices while fat? If so, you should check out Mrs. Arvoidupois’ guest post on Hanne Blank’s blog.

MtF Confessions is a Tumblr. It’s interesting, albeit frequently soul-crushing.

-s.e. smith has the lowdown on TSA’s new “chat down” procedure, and on the intersection of privilege and psychological profiling.

-Please phrase your compliments for Rebecca in the form of actual compliments.


2 responses to “Meet the Clit”

  1. I couldn’t read more than two pages worth of the MtF Confessions Tumblr before closing the tab. Soul crushing is right.

    Oh, and you’ve repeated the link for Matt Kailey’s piece for Hanne Blank’s blog. Probably a cut and paste error. Thought you should know.

    1. Thanks! I just fixed it– that link was one of my faves, too.

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