Tag: insurance

  • Dysphoria Corner

    Content note: Potentially triggering, TMI discussion of depression, anxiety, self-harm, sex, and being trans] Earlier today, I wrote a [TW] series of tweets on what my past dysphoria’s been like the past few years. You should read it if that’s your sort of thing. I’d been meaning to write this into a bad-ass essay, but…

  • We Need To Talk About Self-Harm

    [Content note: This post contains some major-league triggery stuff about depression and self-harm. Also, there’s transphobia. There’s always transphobia, lolsob] Yesterday I wrote a piece about why I don’t like “love your body” campaigns. When I wrote it, I made a deliberate decision to omit any of my issues with self-harm. I’ve been thinking about…

  • Cis Privilege Corner

    Over the past few weeks, I’ve had a glut of opportunities to consider the ways in which society privileges cis bodies. More specifically, I’ve been reflected on how society privileges cis people’s medical needs. A few years back, I was at the radiology department of a local hospital, because it was the third Sunday of…

  • Healthcare News

    Star-Tribune, Minneapolis “UnitedHealth to Buy Brazil’s Amil for $4.9 billion” “Brazil has emerged as a consistently growing and evolving market for private sector health benefits and services. Its growing economy, emerging middle class and progressive policies toward managed care make it a high potential growth market,” said Stephen Hemsley, UnitedHealth Group’s president and CEO. “Combining…

  • Healthcare News

    Dow Jones has just added UnitedHealth to the Dow Jones 500. In the 2010 fiscal year, the insurer had profits of $4.63 billion.

  • Portrait of the Trans Woman as a Medicine Drawer

    The other week I was looking at my medicine drawer. Certainly, I’m quite privileged in that I’ve had not one, but two different insurance plans in the past year. I’m not posting this to play Drug Olympics (certainly not on a weekday). What gave me pause was that all these bottles represent just five prescriptions–…

  • I’m back!

    Four months after deciding to move back to the Midwest, things are finally taking shape. Our house is mostly unpacked, I’m somewhat used to my job, and our daughter has a grown up bed, courtesy of an IKEA road trip. Plus, it’s a bazillion degrees and sunny out, and we live well inland. Things are…

  • I Hate Everything, But This is Good News

    I think I’m previously on record as really, really not being a fan of the Human Rights Campaign. I’m also not a fan of their Corporate Equality Index (CEI). It’s not that I have a problem with all corporations– I’m starting a job with one in a few weeks. It’s just that it’s going to…

  • How Many Lawnmowings for a Cunt?

    NPR: Deb Barth is raking leaves for Lesley Jones. But Barth isn’t earning money for her yardwork, at least not in physical currency. She’s earning “time dollars” — for every two hours she spends doing odd jobs, she’ll earn a free visit with her doctor. Let’s see, figure $150 for an hour-long doctor’s visit (without…

  • Whoops ur For-Profit Health Care

    Bloomberg Businessweek: The nation’s third-largest health insurance company is the latest to leave the individual policy market in Indiana in another sign of diminishing competition to benefit consumers who purchase policies through a state insurance exchange under the federal health care overhaul. However, [Deputy Insurance Commissioner Robyn] Crosson, in her letter [announcing the news to…