Tag: media

  • The Difficulties of Being Cis

    [Content note: Transphobia, violence] Eight years ago, when I came out to my HMO, they couldn’t give me proper healthcare. They didn’t know how to deal with people like me. When I went to the co-op, they didn’t know what to do with my ID. They didn’t know how to deal with people like me.…

  • What if “Dr. V” was French?

    [Content note: Transphobia, outing, suicide] Imagine if a journalist wrote a tension-filled exposé that got “stranger by the second” as it uncovered a con artist. Now imagine if the final shocking twist was not that the subject had swindled an investor out of tens of thousands of dollars, or falsified her credentials. What if the…

  • Consumption

    [Content note: dehumanization] I was at the Walgreen’s buying gum (the kids still chew gum, right), and I was standing in a long-ass line because I was at the Walgreen’s. I looked over at the magazines (it was either that or the cigarettes), and I saw that such and such celebrity reportedly “wants to be…

  • I

    Okay, so that <3 thingy doesn’t work so well when you’re using bad-assed web typography. Still. If you’ve followed Bitch magazine over the years (and if you haven’t, you need to start, like, yesterday), you know they’ve had pretty consistent financial struggles. Unfortunately, that’s just part of the reality that most small-to-medium-to-not-gargantuan print media find…

  • Working the System

    Last month, a Calgary radio station announced a contest where women could compete for free breast implants by submitting a photo and a personal statement. Predictably, reviews were, um, mixed. Last week, Amp Radio selected ten finalists, from which online voters chose a winner. The votes are in. Avery, a Calgary trans woman, won the…