Author: kate

  • Decent News

    [Trigger warning for transphobia and prisoner abuse] Back in 2006, the Wisconsin Legislature passed Act 105, the “Inmate Sex Change Prevention Act”. [Good thing we had a Democratic governor at the time. Whoops!] The act banned the state from providing trans* prisoners hormone therapy or surgery. This happened at the exact same time I was…

  • Empathy Corner

    A few weeks back, I had a great idea premised on my having tons of time and energy. Whoooops! Anyhow, I thought it would be instructive to dedicate a page to documenting any and all known fundraisers tied to medical expenses. You know, it’d be something relaxing for my days off. Just to underscore the…

  • Whoops ur For-Profit Health Care

    Bloomberg Businessweek: The nation’s third-largest health insurance company is the latest to leave the individual policy market in Indiana in another sign of diminishing competition to benefit consumers who purchase policies through a state insurance exchange under the federal health care overhaul. However, [Deputy Insurance Commissioner Robyn] Crosson, in her letter [announcing the news to…

  • Blaming the Victim

    You know how when the government treats trans* people like shit, it’s all our fault because we didn’t educate our would-be allies? That shtick works for pretty much any underclass. Ben Smith at Politico, via Susie Madrak: Tensions between the White House and its liberal allies came to a head last night at the weekly…

  • Laser Taint

    There was this one time that I had a collapsed lung. It’s a pretty funny story, albeit one best left for another time. For today’s purposes, you just need to know how it ended. When I arrived (on foot, of course) at the ER clutching the note Pittsburgh’s finest had helpfully affixed to my dorm…

  • Meet the Clit: The Stochastic Roundup

    Hi there! For some strange reason, I’ve been feeling guilty that I haven’t written anything in a good 96 hours. Between my day job, watching my country eat itself, and all sorts of personal bits, I’ve been a bit down and unmotivated. However, I assure you that I’m working on post about genital electrolysis that…

  • I

    Okay, so that <3 thingy doesn’t work so well when you’re using bad-assed web typography. Still. If you’ve followed Bitch magazine over the years (and if you haven’t, you need to start, like, yesterday), you know they’ve had pretty consistent financial struggles. Unfortunately, that’s just part of the reality that most small-to-medium-to-not-gargantuan print media find…

  • Anomalies at the Airport

    On Monday, I heard an NPR piece about the new, “less revealing” full body scanners TSA in rolling out. As a radical, queer, feminist trans woman who teaches environmental science, my ears perked up when I heard a TSA spokesperson say the following: After someone comes through the machine, they see the very same thing…

  • Chart: This shit is expensive

    Nona Willis Aronowitz and Dylan Lathrop have made an impressive graphic showing the lifelong financial costs of each of the eight preventive services* that the Institutes of Medicine recommends that all women receive for free. It turns out “the cost of being a woman” (exclusive of everything beyond these eight services) potentially runs to the…

  • Face the Vulva: The ACOOO Roundabout

    I thought it would be only natural to start a blogaround of notable news and commentary. I’m not sure how frequently or regularly this feature will appear, but I’m currently aiming for once a week. I’m also looking for a good title, although I have to admit, “Face the Vulva” is definitely growing on me.…