
I need to raise $15,000 by the summer of 2012.

There are several ways that you can help me with this cuntraising (no snickering). The first is to donate money. You can do this either via a one-time donation, or as part of a monthly subscription (like NPR, only with out any overpriced tote bags– although more on that later). I’m grateful for whatever people are able and willing to give, regardless of whether you’d like to picture yourself buying someone a cunt, or merely being a patron of one of the world’s many, many underpaid writers.

Part of my expenses include three tickets to San Francisco and a hotel room for two weeks. I can pay for this in cash, but if there’s someone out there with connections or more likely, a bazillion of frequent flier miles, that works too. Hell, if you’re in the Bay Area, and want to buy my daughter a burrito, that’s probably doable.

For personal safety reasons, I’m not accepting packages at my home address. Otherwise, I’d totes be collecting lube from the masses, because like many good things in life, SRS/GRS involves ridiculous amounts of lube.

If you have other ideas, either to raise funds or to help me get the word out, send them my way. I am at

And if you can’t contribute, don’t worry about it. I’m hoping to make this a blog where all people are able to participate not merely in helping me out, but in helping to change the discourses about trans* bodies and health care.



At the moment, subscriptions run for twelve months.