Tag: depression

  • Cis Allies and Trans Suicide

    [Content note: suicide and transphobia] On December 28th, Leelah Alcorn, a 17-year-old transgender girl took her own life. On Tumblr, she left a suicide note that discussed being rejected by her parents. From USA Today on December 30th*: “The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the…

  • We Need To Talk About Self-Harm

    [Content note: This post contains some major-league triggery stuff about depression and self-harm. Also, there’s transphobia. There’s always transphobia, lolsob] Yesterday I wrote a piece about why I don’t like “love your body” campaigns. When I wrote it, I made a deliberate decision to omit any of my issues with self-harm. I’ve been thinking about…