Tag: hormones

  • An Observation

    I’ve recently been having all sorts of fun things going on with my body. It turns out it might (in part) be a thyroid thing. Some it might involve my hormones, too. Because very few doctors know much about super queer ladyhormones, I felt the need to research the subject myself (for, what, like the…

  • Portrait of the Trans Woman as a Medicine Drawer

    The other week I was looking at my medicine drawer. Certainly, I’m quite privileged in that I’ve had not one, but two different insurance plans in the past year. I’m not posting this to play Drug Olympics (certainly not on a weekday). What gave me pause was that all these bottles represent just five prescriptions–…

  • Decent News

    [Trigger warning for transphobia and prisoner abuse] Back in 2006, the Wisconsin Legislature passed Act 105, the “Inmate Sex Change Prevention Act”. [Good thing we had a Democratic governor at the time. Whoops!] The act banned the state from providing trans* prisoners hormone therapy or surgery. This happened at the exact same time I was…